Filsinger Games Legends of Wrestling Team

Episode 38 November 19, 2020 02:35:54
Filsinger Games Legends of Wrestling Team
King's Road Pro Wrestling Podcast
Filsinger Games Legends of Wrestling Team

Nov 19 2020 | 02:35:54


Show Notes

Back with an epic conversation between yours truly and the Filsinger Games Legends of Wrestling Team! Card gurus Chad and Cory Olson, Tim Dalton, and handbook writer, Stu Lowry, are all on board - albeit in various forms - to chat about their favorite territories, legends, and signings. Plus we go fairly in-depth about card creation - how do you craft a main eventer vs a mid-carder? What mechanics are important? How do you maintain a fidelity to the era while also creating exciting cards? I also get the chance to ask about the team's most desired signings, their favorite wrestling-related books, and their new podcast, Uncharted Territory! Buckle up, it's a long one but well, well worth it. (Editors Note: We had some technical difficulties during the recording process but decided to preserve the bulk of the recording as is. Special thanks to Chad Olson for joining me to record an intro and outro due to some unsalvageable material.)

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