Filsinger Games - Holiday Releases! New Legends, 2089 Reimagined, & more!

Episode 28 December 17, 2019 01:44:57
Filsinger Games - Holiday Releases! New Legends, 2089 Reimagined, & more!
King's Road Pro Wrestling Podcast
Filsinger Games - Holiday Releases! New Legends, 2089 Reimagined, & more!

Dec 17 2019 | 01:44:57


Show Notes

Todd Joerchel and Mike Melesky join Sam again for another slice of Filsinger Games goodness! We're talking about the new Legends V Expansion set that features none other than Big Van Vader and Davey Boy Smith as Headliners! We also cover the Reimagined 2089 set as managers make their first appearance in the CotG universe and the new artwork for the cards. But that's not all! We also welcome Zeke Gould to the show and talk about his numerous signings for the indy side of the game. Who are his favorite signings? How far has he gone to sign talent? What are some funny stories from signings? Zeke is an institution in the Filsinger Games community and we were excited to get a peek behind all the hard work he's put into making sure we have the top talent in the game. Names like Kenny Omega are in the game because of Zeke! It's a packed episode and we're only getting started. Stay tuned for more in the New Year! Now, before Santa Wolf devours all your cookies, download and listen to this episode!

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