Episode 16 - G1 CLIMAX 14-Final

Episode 16 August 13, 2018 02:07:45
Episode 16 - G1 CLIMAX 14-Final
King's Road Pro Wrestling Podcast
Episode 16 - G1 CLIMAX 14-Final

Aug 13 2018 | 02:07:45


Show Notes

We have come to the end of the road for this year's G1. Paul, Sam, & Wilfred are on hand to discuss nights 14-18 and, of course, the G1 CLIMAX 28 Finals culminating in a classic (though not everyone agrees) between the Ace, Hiroshi Tanahashi, and the Golden Star, Kota Ibushi. And they do it all in just a little over two hours. Don't be shy to let us know what you think about this year's tournament and our thoughts. Join us on Twitter as we continue the conversation over the next week @KoPW72 Find Wilfred @NJPWUS & @WilfredWatches Of course, big shout out to The Hails for the intro anf outro music. Stay tuned for some awesome Starrcast news in the near future and don't forget to stop by and say hello on Friday as we take to Podcast Row.

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